Spinifex State College – Mount Isa aims to develop a positive school wide culture that empowers students and staff to learn and work together to enhance academic, personal and social success.
Our school has developed very clear expectations regarding student behaviour following the School-Wide Positive Behaviour for Learning expectations. Our school expectations are included in the
student code of conduct (PDF, 21.7MB) for students which is based on the department of education
code of student behaviour (PDF, 263 KB).
Our School-Wide Positive Behaviour for Learning Program drives the school’s process for teaching expected social and behavioural skills so the focus can be on teaching and learning.
Our school has developed our expectations:
As Learners at Spinifex:
We are safe
We are respectful
We are responsible
The school staff have developed clear statements of expectations regarding what this looks like in the different setting of the school. These are detailed in the behaviour expectations matrix which is printed in the school diary and is explicitly taught to students at the beginning of the year and revisited as appropriate during the year.
Students are rewarded with stamps on their Spinifex Stamp Cards when staff witness them following school expectations.
Students are then asked to hand completed stamp cards into the offices, and those stamps can be used to purchase from the School-Wide Positive Behaviour for Learning shop (located in the Library on both campuses), or to purchase raffle tickets in special raffles run during the year.
Each term a reward activity is held for the top 20/50 dollar earners. Activities have included spider days, pizza lunches, and carnival afternoons.