Uniforms are available for purchase from the school tuckshops, operated by the Spinifex State College
Parents and Citizen Associations to help raise much needed funds for our school. The tuckshop convenors
can be contacted during school operating hours:
- Junior Campus: (07) 4740 1111
- Senior Campus: (07) 4744 7222
Parents and students are encouraged to purchase school uniforms during term time Monday-Friday between 7:30am-8:15am before the school day starts.
Click here for uniform price list. Both tuckshops have eftpos facilities. Please note that uniforms can not be purchased online.
The Principal/Head of Campus is responsible for making final decisions regarding the appropriateness of student presentation. Failure to follow expectation of the student’s dress code will be managed as per the Spinifex State College Responsible Behaviour plan for students.
School Standard Year 7 to 12
| - Spinifex navy blue unisex shorts
- Navy blue skorts with school logo is also available
- Spinifex polo shirt with school logo
Senior Formal Uniform
Option 1 Year 10 to12
| - White blouse with embroidered pocket and necktie
- Navy blue box pleated skirt, skorts or tailored dress navy blue shorts
/ navy blue trousers
Senior Formal Uniform
Option 2 Year 10 to12
| - White shirt with embroidered pocket
- Navy blue tailored dress shorts / navy blue trousers
| - Fully enclosed shoes made of impervious material, either vinyl or
| |
Winter Uniform
| - Spinifex jacket with school logo (Year 7- no hoodies allowed)
- Navy blue tights/undershirts are permitted in winter months.
- Spinifex navy blue tracksuit pants* and a Senior School Jersey is available for purchase for students entering
years 11 & 12 only
*No Jeans or active wear permitted
Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)
| - Students must wear correct PPE – (long blue cotton drill pants, long
sleeved navy and yellow high visibility work shirt with school logo to
be purchased from the tuckshop, steel capped boots).
| - School bucket hat in house colour