Helping students access the health care they need
Over 12 months ago Spinifex State College was selected to participate in the GPs in Schools Pilot Program. We have finally been able to secure the services of a GP for a small trial this year before the program commences fully in 2023.
The Pilot will allow our school to set up a fit-for-purpose GP clinic on school grounds. This clinic will provide students with access to a GP one day each week, during school terms.
Our school clinic staff
A Doctor will be available for all students for appointments from 8.30am to 12pm on every Friday during school term (unless a public holiday should fall on that day). A doctor with Gidgee Healing and will see all Spinifex State College students.
To be able to see a doctor parents must first complete a Gidgee Healing Parent Consent Form (PDF, 135KB). All students 15 years and under will require a parent or nominated carer to be present for their appointments. Students 16 and over will not need to have a parent attend in person but will still need to have returned a signed consent form.
How to book an appointment
Appointments for this year can be made through Elsa Claassen at the Junior Campus on 4740 1111 or by emailing GP@spinifexsc.eq.edu.au
What services will the GP provide?
Our school GP clinic will offer secondary students the majority of services that young people are able to access from GPs in the community, including management of physical health and mental health.
Will there be a cost for students to see the GP?
All visits to the GP will be provided at no cost to students or their families. The GP will bulk-bill all appointments through Medicare, so it is important that students bring their Medicare card (or their Medicare number) with them to their appointment.
When can a young person get their own Medicare card?
Young people can apply for their own Medicare card when they turn 15 years of age. They will need to complete an application process through Services Australia. The GP can help your child with this process.
Will the school GP tell anyone at school about my appointment?
Your conversations with the school GP and Nurse will be confidential and not shared with anyone else, unless you agree, there is an immediate risk to you or other's safety and wellbeing, or the GP is permitted or required by law to tell someone.
Where will my child's medical records be kept?
The medical records will belong to the GP's base clinic Gidgee Healing, where they will be securely stored. The school will not be able to access your child's medical records.